Our vision is for Mondo Farms to become a leading producer of vegetables for the Lusaka market and beyond. We operate two farms on the outskirts of Chongwe, Winterthorn and Kimberley.
Our Background
Our Founder and Managing Director, Chisha Folotiya is a pioneering businessman with almost three decades of experience in establishing and running businesses in Zambia. He is already leveraging his acumen and capital base to put in place the infrastructure that the farm will need to succeed, as well as modern and appropriate management systems.
What We Grow
From the humble beginnings of cabbage crop of 10,000 heads in June 2020, our vegetable production has grown in scope and size and Mondo Farms is now recognised as an emerging force to reckon with.
Our primary vegetable is eggplant, which is produced around the year on a large scale. We also grow carrot, cucumber, onion, squash, sweet pepper and some brassicas (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and lettuce)
Seasonal rain-fed crops like maize, soya beans, dry beans, sunn hemp, groundnuts, & sunflower are also grown.
But before we had even planted vegetables, our farm started as a project to grow commercial timber. We piloted our plantation of pine, casuarina and eucalyptus trees in February 2020. Additional hectorage is added each rain season and our long term objective is to establish a relatively large tree plantation on another suitable site. Winterthorn would then serve as a staging base and house the tree seedling nursery.
With this in mind, we started to grow our own tree seedlings in mid-2021, which will safeguard our own supply for planting, as well as provide a surplus for sale to other growers.
We also grow palms and other ornamental garden plants in our shadehouses whihc are available on a wholesale basis.